
English Essay

알 수 없는 사용자 2008. 3. 28. 18:20

영어 프리젠테이션에서 발표할 것. 일단 5개의 paragraph로 된 글을 쓰고, 원어민 선생님한테 보여주고 검사받고 다음주 목요일날 싸그리 외워서 발표를 해야한다.

원어민 선생님이 제시한 에세이 스타일은 다음과 같다.

  • 자신에게 중요하거나, 의미가 있는 물건을 사람들에게 show and tell 방식으로 presentation할 것.
  • 5개의 문단(Paragraph)로 하여 Intruduction(1), Body(3), Conclusion(1) 로 구성할 것.
  • Introduction의 첫 번째 문장은 Attention Grabber(or Motivator)로 할 것
  • Intruduction에는 반드시 thesis(주제문)과 그를 뒷받침하는 3개의 outline문장으로 구성될 것.
  • 3개의 outline 문장은 3개의 body paragraph와 연관이 되어야함. 즉 각각의 paragraph와 연계가 되어야 함.
  • 가급적이면 emotional한 단어나 표현을 많이 구사할 것.
  • 문단과 문단, 문장과 문장의 연결 흐름(transition)을 부드럽게 할 것
  • concluding paragraph에는 thesis를 재강조하고, 3개의 body paragraph의 내용을 요약하되 이전에 썼던 표현이나 단어와 다르게 할 것(이게 제일 힘들었음. -_-; 나의 부족한 보카실력이란 ...)

몇몇 학생의 에세이는 그야말로 싸그리 난도질 당하기도 했지만, 내가 쓴건 그나마 난도질을 덜 당한거 같아 나름 뿌듯하다. 그런데 외울 생각을 하니 하늘이 노랗다. -_-

English Essay

Make your lips glossy and sexy and you’ll be kissed! I got this lip moisturizer December 30th 2006 from my girl friend. This is one of the most meaningful things to me because it keeps my lips healthy, it’s the first thing I received from my girl friend, and it reminds me of times my girl friend and I started to love each other.

Lip is an important part of our face. By the way, when the weather is dry and cold, lips are not only parched but also bleed. Lip moisturizer can protect lips from getting dry and bleeding. Moreover after you put on lip moisturizer, your lips become glossy and healthy and your girl/boy friend may perhaps feel you’re so sexy that he/she wants to kiss you.

In 2006 winter, while my girl friend and I were enjoying some cocktails and chatting in a bar, suddenly she took something out from her bag and gave it to me, and told me “Happy New Year.” The present was this lip moisturizer. The first gift is very emotional to me as much as first love, first kiss, and so on. This is the first thing I’ve got from my girl friend.

Seeing this lip moisturizer I recall that my girl friend and I fell in love each other. When I could not be sure whether she loved me as much as I do her, I was encouraged by the presentation, lip moisturizer. Finally I proposed to her to be my girl friend, and then she became my girl. And besides When I kissed her in Ilsan Lake park I was wearing this moisturizer. Our love started and continues with this lip moisturizer.

I will never forget this lip moisturizer, and always keep it seriously. My lips looked sexy due to this lip moisturizer, This is the first present from my only girl, and this is the starting point of my love. Although this lip moisturizer ran out, instead my happy memory is going to last forever in my mind.